Certificates and Awards
ISO 9001-2001 (Current)
GreenGuard Certified (Current)
"Supplier Team Award" (Current) International Housewares Manufacturer
Illinois Governor's Pollution Prevention Award
POP Times "Design-of-the-Times"
"Innovation Award" (7 time) International Housewares Manufacturer
December 2017 | ISO 9001:2015
Marvel® is registered to ISO 9001:2015 under Underwriters Laboratories’ (UL) accreditation by Raad voor de Certificatie (RvC), the Dutch Council for Certification. The International Organization for Standardization is an international agency formed in 1979 to harmonize quality management and quality assurance standards for manufacturing and service industries.
No other symbol identifies a quality product or process as this one does.
What does it mean?
Accreditation is obtained by standardizing and documenting each process necessary to produce a high quality product and service. A certification team of ISO representatives inspects every aspect of the Marvel® facilities. Repeatable procedures are utilized from the procurement of raw materials to assembly and shipment of the finished product.
Material Receipts - Ensures only the best quality raw materials are used in production.
Material Handling and Storage - Ensures warehoused product does not get damaged or old, resulting in delayed shipment.
Manufacturing - Provides assurances that every like product is made exactly the same. Inserts Statistical Process Controls at each stage of a product's manufacture to assure only “good” production makes it to the shipping docks.
Product Sub-Assembly - This is a critical stage in the manufacturing process, often overlooked as a final opportunity to build in quality.
Order Shipment- Utilizes a process of staging and grouping an order's components to assure they are properly identified and palletized for undamaged delivery.
The 1 on 9001:2015 indicates an additional level of quality encompassing:
Customer Service
After Sale Support
Product Design and Development
Why is it valuable?
Building Quality, Speed, and Reliability into our manufacturing process means we can consistently exceed industry standards for lead times, customer service, and product performance.
A Significant Milestone for The Marvel Group
On Thursday, February 26th 2015, Marvel Group, Inc. a Chicago based metal fabricator of nearly 70 years, was pleased to accept a plaque commemorating 20 years of ISO 9001:2008 certification from UL-DQS. This achievement is a significant milestone for Marvel Group.

UL-DQS President & CEO, Ganesh Rao, presents the management team at Marvel Group, Inc., including VP of Finance & CFO, Pamela Wright, VP of Operations, Edward Lencioni, President & CEO, John J. Dellamore, Director of Quality, Eric delaPena with a plaque representing 20 years of certification to ISO 9001.
Also from UL-DQS, Lead Auditor, Blake Sommer and Customer Service Manager, Alexander Madison joins in celebrating Marvel Group’s milestone.